Sunday, July 18, 2010

Unemployement Extension News

This blog is in no way meant to be a political blog. However, I cannot hope and pray that the Republicans open their eyes and hearts to the unemployed. God, please help the unemployed. Here is some news on the unemployment extension.


2010 Unemployment Extension: Is Passage Assured?

18 July 2010

Original article found here

Congress Unemployment Extension

Congress Unemployment Extension

It seems that the 2010 unemployment extension is assured with the appointment of Carte Goodwin as the interim Senator of West Virginia after the passing of Robert Byrd. Goodwin is expected to vote yea which would be the vote needed for passage if every other vote remains the same. The 1 vote would be enough to break a Republican filibuster if indeed the Republicans would be so out of touch to try one.

Goodwin has to be sworn in first Tuesday afternoon so the vote on the unemployment extension bill Hr4213 would not take place until later that afternoon. The tier 5 unemployed also known as the 99ers are not covered in this bill. They would have to be considered in another bill, S33520 which does offer tier 5 assistance of a sort. Whether this tier 5 bill will be considered is not known as the Senate will have their debate and anything is possible.

Even if the unemployment extension bill hr4213 is passed by the Senate, it has been changed substantially from the bill that the House sent over so probably would have to go back to the House for yet another vote. This unfortunately for the unemployed is the process. The timing on this process is critical because The House adjourns from August 9th until September 10th. If the bill is not acted on and passed by the House by August 9th then woe be to those unemployed who are in perilous financial condition as this would be a fatal blow to many.

So the process will play out on this 2010 unemployment extension, an excruciating wait while our elected Congress seems not to be in any hurry.


Obama and Unemployment Extension: He Says Pass the Bill!

17 July 2010

Original Article Found here
Obama Unemployment Extension

Obama Unemployment Extension

The 2010 Unemployment extension bill HR4213 remains unpassed, but come Tuesday, July 20 it will be up for vote on the Senate floor with the newly appointed replacement West Virginia Senator Carte Goodwin expected to bring the 60th yea vote for passage of the bill.

This has been a long drawn out affair with both parties playing politics as usual. All coming at the expense of the masses of unemployed who wait and watch this circus go on. Where was our President up until now? His voice needed to be heard long ago when this issue became a real problem but we did not hear from him. The Congress, mainly the Senate did what they do very well, argue and play political games while the American people suffered during his silence.

Obama has now entered the fracas and admonished the Republicans for blocking the bills passage. He told the Senate to consider this unemployment extension as an “emergency expenditure” noting that Congress has used this language in the past during exceptional times.

For all those unemployed let us hope that the 2010 unemployment extension gets passed and also that the tier 5 99ers don’t get left out in the cold. They deserve to be included in the bill, if they aren’t then a new bill directed specifically at them should be crafted.

This 2010 unemployment extension has been very divisive and has pitted hard working Americans against their government for looking the other way while family financial ruin takes place. This is unacceptable in many Americans eyes. Let’s get this employment extension passed on Tuesday.


Unemployment Extension Gets Attention From Obama as He Blasts Republicans

17 July 2010

Original article found here

Unemployment Extension Obama

Unemployment Extension Obama

President Obama blasted Republicans about the 2010 unemployment extension bill. He says that they are blocking it while saying it “was the only way to make ends meet while searching for work.”

The President said that most economists say that unemployment insurance benefits is a very cost effective way to jump start the economy. He goes on to say “It puts money into the pockets of folks who not only need it most, but who also are most likely to spend it quickly.” This is true but these unemployed need it to just survive not necessarily to spend it on consumer goods. They have to pay for groceries and house payments and rent and medical expenses. If he is just thinking about the positive effect on the economy he and the Senate have missed the point. These unemployed are seriously in jeopardy. They needed this unemployment extension months ago, they needed the Presidents voice then.

Read some of the comments of our readers, they are desperate as can be expected considering this hold up at their expense.

James says, “I have read many of the comments that others have posted. I agree with all of them in that those who have been elected to represent us are more concerned about who is in control in DC than they are about those who put their butts in those cushy jobs. To me what is most frustrating is that it doesn’t seem to matter how many people voice their opinion. I guess “For the people. By the people.” doesn’t apply in this day and age. Today it’s by the money, for the money. To be honest I don’t see it ever changing. While we are begging for scraps to get by from week to week they take week long vacations.”

Born in the USA says, “Its all about the money…not WE THE PEOPLE.It is time the real Americans band together and stand up to these crooks and let them know,”YOU WILL NOT DICTATE THE FUTURE OF OUR LIVES ANY LONGER”.

The Senate had better do their job this Tuesday and pass the unemployment extension bill.

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