Today, my spouse made me cry. But it was tears of joy/ gratitude. He first gave me my valentine's card. Then when I was on my way to Costco to load gas, I opened my purse and saw that he had put another valentine's card there. I went back in the house to thank him for for that sweet gesture! Then I went to Costco and loaded $14 worth of gas. I only loaded $14 because I only have that much until payday which is still on 02/19.
When I got home, I told him that I had already loaded gas, but not full tank. He asked why not and I reminded him it was because I only had $14 left until payday. He said "are you sure? Didn't you check your account?" Just to let everyone know, I am the type of person that updates my checkbook as soon as soon as I do a transaction, so I know exactly what I have, so I told him, "of course I know how much I have, I always update my checkbook". But he was adamant. He said, "did you balance your checkbook against your account". I became suspicious. I went up and checked my account. Lo and behold, unknown to me, he had transferred $200 last 02/10/10! It was his early "valentine's gift" to me. I started crying. Not because I was so happy to get $200, but because he was laid off 3 months ago, and I know that money is also tight with him as he tries to look for work. He gave me not from his excess but from his heart. I told him that this $200 meant so much more to me than the higher amounts I have received from him for my birthdays (when he was still employed). He said he wanted to show me his appreciation for all the overtime and hard work I've been doing to earn extra money while he is looking for a job. I am so lucky to have him as my husband! So lucky that he recognizes my efforts and more importantly acknowledges it and show me how appreciative he is. It is truly a great Valentine's Day!
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